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Marketing Course - Distance education course in marketing taught by an expert in the field - Karen Fox.

Arts Marketing Online - A service of the National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP), a three-year program of the Arts and Business Council Inc. and is funded by a generous grant from the American Express Company. Arts Marketing Online allows for the dissemination of arts marketing information and resources, and includes an in-depth bibliography, an extensive webliography, with links to other pertinent marketing sites and marketing articles that are beneficial to individual artists and arts administrators.

Association for Rehabilitation Marketing (ARM) - ARM is a non-profit association for those professionals whose primary responsibility is marketing, sales and the development of products or services for agencies providing employment opportunities to people with disabilities.

Coyote: Marketing Your Organization's Web Site - A Coyote Communications Tip Sheet on marketing your organization on and offline.

Internet Nonprofit Center: Marketing - A very comprehensive list of questions about marketing along with some insightful responses.

Not-For-Profit Network - Not-For-Profit Network (NFPN) is a member based organization dedicated to providing association marketing professionals with information, advice and assistance.  They have a large number of free association marketing resources available.  Visitors can also sign up for a free monthly email bulletin.

SBA Marketing Library - The Small Business Administration (SBA) maintains a library of small business oriented files and programs on the topic of marketing.


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